Birth Chart Reading
Birth Chart Reading
The exact moment you were born, every planet and celestial body in the sky was in the exact right and perfect position to create your own unique birth chart. Our birth charts are a snapshot of this and give us insight into our past lives, positive and challenging karma we have earned, and the path we have helped co-create in this life for our highest good and personal development. It is the blueprint into ourselves, our souls, and our growth. Birth charts do not predict the future but rather provide insight into who you are as a person and the patterns which exist inside of you in order to assist you to reach your highest potential in this life.
Erin has been interested in astrology since she was a child, studying seriously for the past ten years, and has been reading birth charts for clients for the past five years.
This purchase is for a 40 minute (at least) audio recording of Erin’s interpretation of your birth chart including analysis of your big three signs (sun, moon rising), important aspects of your chart (how planets are interacting with each other based on their location/houses in your chart), other celestial bodies in your chart, and a channeled past life which is affecting your current life. You will also received a copy of your birth chart to follow-along with the recording. You do not need to have any understanding of astrology to benefit from this reading!